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Guangzhou stage lighting manufacturers tell you LED light fades
Release Date: [2017/11/6 15:19:32]    Total read [2689] Times

First to understand what is the LED light failure. LED products, light fades is the light signal in transmission is weakened, but at this stage the global LED manufacturers LED products have made the light decay degrees are different, high-power LED light fades also exist, which has a direct relationship with the temperature, the main Is determined by the chip, phosphor and packaging technology. At present, the white LED on the market its light failure may be one of the most important issues to enter civilian lighting.

Affect LED light failure two major factors are: 1) LED quality problems, the use of the LED chip body is not good, brightness decay faster. The production process is flawed, LED chip heat can not be derived from the PIN pin, leading to LED chip temperature is too high to make the chip attenuation exacerbated. 2) Conditions of use: LED is a constant current driver, and some LEDs use voltage-driven causes to attenuate the LED. The drive current is greater than the rated drive condition. In fact, LED products led to the decline of many reasons, the most critical issue is the heat, although many manufacturers in the secondary products do not pay special attention to the issue of heat, but the long-term use of these secondary LED products, light decay than the focus on cooling LED products to high. Thermal resistance of the LED chip itself, the impact of silver glue, the cooling effect of the substrate, as well as colloidal and gold lines are also related to light fades.

White LED is currently facing a major problem is life issues, because the price of white LED is still high, in order to establish a foothold in the lighting market, allowing users to save energy and save money, we must rely on long-life savings in electricity to make up High price of lamps. Now, white LED life conditions make it very difficult to do this. From the normal use of LED point of view, the most important factor affecting the life of the LED is hot. The sources of heat are the Joule heat generated by the normal electrical resistance of the material, the heat generated by the PN junction, and the Joule heat generated by parasitic resistance in the process, as well as the heat generated when the light is attracted. The accumulation of heat makes the temperature rise, the temperature rise makes the performance of the chip recession, degradation and aging, degeneration.

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